

サナンが横に来て、「ふーん、”草原の香り”?」と言いながら、ふたを開けてみました。 気づくと、2人はドラッグストアではなく、草原にいました。天気がよく、風が気持ちいいです。 Sanan came up beside Yan and opened the a bottle, saying, "Grassland s…


香水の棚を見ると、またたびの香り、魚の香り、ひなたぼっこの香り...といろんな種類の香りが並んでいます。ヤンはいくつか試してみて、「これにしようかな?」と1つのボトルを手に取りました。 As Yan browsed the perfume shelves, she found various fra…


Yan immediately went back to her room and started packing.As for Sanan, she started wondering what to get for Hanan."I'll get some of those green apples Aunty Hanan loves, since she only has those golden ones on her planet.Oh, and green ap…


There are two cats, Sanan and Yan. Sanan, a brown cat who wears glasses and Yan, a tall, silver cat. One day, Sanan received a letter from Aunty Hanan.It's been a while since she last heard from her, so she couldn’t wait to read the letter…